Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah Bagi Pendidik Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Kota Gajah Lampung Tengah
DOI: Kunci:
Drafting, Scientific Articles, EducatorAbstrak
The field of education is very closely related to learning activities and scientific articles are very useful for educators to improve the quality of processes and learning outcomes in class. The purpose of community service is that teachers can understand and know what and how to compile scientific articles and can understand the preparation of scientific articles and be able to carry them out. Methods in community activities include; a) lecture method; b) question and answer method; c) sampling method. The results of the service in the form of outreach show that they really need knowledge, skills, and experience in Writing Educational Research Journals in the life of a teacher. Scientific articles are research journals made by educators in their own class through self-reflection with the aim of improving their performance so that student learning outcomes increase and are published in general either in direct writing or e-journals. Utilization of the implementation of scientific articles, among others; a) increasing the competence of educators in coping with learning; b) improve the professional attitude of educators; c) there is an improvement in the learning performance and competence of students; d) repair and increase the quality of the learning process in the classroom; e) repair and increase the quality of the use of media, learning aids, and other learning resources; f) improvement and improvement of the quality of procedures and evaluation tools used to measure the process and learning outcomes of students; g) improvement and personal development of students; h) improvement and improvement of the quality of curriculum implementation.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Muncarno_58 Muncarno, Nelly Astuti, Rapani Rapani, Frida Destini, Loliyana Loliyana, Jody Setya Hermawan
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