Analisis Perkembangan Karakter Spiritual Mahasiswa Melalui Kegiatan LKK (Latihan Kepemimpinan Kristiani)


  • Reno Francius Simanullang Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Ruspiana Hutagaol Universitas Negeri Medan


Students, Training, Education, Character, Spiritual


This research aims to analyze the impact of activities on character formation and spiritual improvement of Catholic students in Medan City as well as the results of Christian leadership training activities after the character education process organized by the Medan Archdiocese Youth Commission. This research uses a data analysis technique, namely a qualitative descriptive analysis technique which attempts to describe the results of the analysis of the implementation of the Medan Archdiocese Youth Commission's character education to describe the role of the Medan Archdiocese Youth Commission in building students' character and critical thinking. thinking. Data collection uses interview techniques, document studies (from several journal articles, proceedings, e-books, news or research reports, etc.) and field observations and drawing conclusions. Research shows that the focus of training from the Youth Commission is character education which aims to develop discipline and critical thinking and be able to apply them in everyday life. The LKK coaching team also teaches the importance of having noble morals, because character education not only teaches what is right and what is wrong, but also instills good habits, feeling good, and doing good. It is hoped that this Christian Leadership Training can be an alternative to help create and develop the character of Catholic students or young people who have quality, integrity, a sense of responsibility, leadership, as well as critical and open thinking so as to give birth to a young generation with a leadership spirit. strong character in each individual. The results of the research show that through LKK activities, leadership attitudes can be developed in students, namely courage to appear, honest, fair, authoritative, trustworthy, religious and able to be disciplined and think critically.



How to Cite

Francius Simanullang, R., & Hutagaol, R. (2024). Analisis Perkembangan Karakter Spiritual Mahasiswa Melalui Kegiatan LKK (Latihan Kepemimpinan Kristiani). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(1). Retrieved from