Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dan Pembelajaran Personal Dalam Pendidikan Inklusif di SDN 19 Tanjung Harapan
Personal learning model, Differentiation, InclusiveAbstract
This study aims to discuss the application of personal learning models in supporting differentiated learning for students with special needs at SDN 19 Tanjung Kubah. The application of this personal learning model not only aims to create an inclusive learning environment, but also provides opportunities for students with special needs at SDN 19 Tanjung Harapan to explore their potential optimally. Through this approach, students with special needs at SDN 19 Tanjung Harapan can feel appreciated, involved, and achieve success in their education process. Inclusive education is a form of special education service that requires all children with special needs to receive equal education in regular classes with their peers.