Bentuk Lingual yang Dihasilkan Anak Usia Empat Tahun: Sebuah Studi Kasus


  • Ida Bagus Made Ari Segara Univeritas Udayana


language acquisition, phonology, sytax, semantics


Child development both motorically and language skills follow the age stages. Four years old is the stage where children begin to understand meaning and make sentences, so this study aims to describe language acquisition in four-year-old at the level of phonology, syntax, and semantics. Descriptive research is used as a model used to explain the findings of the data experienced by speakers. Data collection was carried out using the observation method assisted by recording and note-taking techniques. The data collected is in the form of utterances produced by children aged four years. the results of language acquisition research at the phonological level are in the form of good mastery of vowels and consonants, but there are problems with diphthongs [a͜u] and [a͜i] and cluster consonants [tr] in the repetition form. From the syntactic level, children can produce sentences with one argument, even sentences with more than two arguments. children can produce complex sentences that form a short discourse with affinity of meaning. Language acquisition at the syntactic level, that is, children can associate real objects with references to the intended meaning.




How to Cite

Ida Bagus Made Ari Segara. (2023). Bentuk Lingual yang Dihasilkan Anak Usia Empat Tahun: Sebuah Studi Kasus. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pendidikan, 2(1). Retrieved from