Kata Kunci:
Modul, LKPDAbstrak
Pelatihan ini akan menerapkan model penemuan atau discovery learning dan problem based learning, yakni seluruh peserta secara aktif menciptakan modul dan LKPD berdasarkan kriteria penyusunan modul dan LKPD yang sesuai dengan kriteria bahan ajar kurikulum merdeka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini yakni menggunakan metode tanya jawab, diskusi, demonstrasi, serta penyelesaian masalah berupa dalam bentuk pemberian penugasan. Tempat dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yakni di aula gedung SMK K.H. Ghalib Pringsewu. Jumlah peserta pelatihan ini ditargetkan sebanyak 30 orang yang terdiri atas guru dari jenjang SD, SMP, hingga SMA. Keberhasilan dari proses pelatihan ini dapat diukur dari proses dan hasil pelatihan. Indikator keberhasilan meliputi, kerjasama, tanggung jawab, kreativitas, keaktifan, yang dinilai melalui pengamatan maupun observasi. Penilaian unjuk kerja dilakukan ketika peserta pelatihan secara berkelompok bergantian mempresentasikan hasil pembuatan lKPD dan Modul yang sesuai dengan kurikulum merdeka. Adapun evaluasi terhadap hasil dari proses pelatihan diukur berdasarkan tingkat penguasaan materi pelatihan yang meliputi hasil penyelesaian pembuatan LKPD dan Modul yang sesuai dengan kriteria.
This training will apply the discovery learning and problem based learning model, namely that all participants actively create modules and LKPD based on the criteria for preparing modules and LKPD that are in accordance with the criteria for independent curriculum teaching materials. The research method used in this training is question and answer methods, discussions, demonstrations, and problem solving in the form of giving assignments. The place where this research was carried out was in the hall of the K.H. Vocational School building. Ghalib Pringsewu. The number of participants in this training is targeted at 30 people consisting of teachers from elementary, middle and high school levels. The success of this training process can be measured from the training process and results. Indicators of success include cooperation, responsibility, creativity, activeness, which are assessed through observations and observation. Performance assessment is carried out when training participants in groups take turns presenting the results of making worksheet and modules that are in accordance with the independent curriculum. The evaluation of the results of the training process is measured based on the level of mastery of the training material which includes the results of completing the LKPD and Module creation in accordance with the criteria.