Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Pendidikan http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Pendidikan (JPMIP) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menjadi wadah bagi akademisi dan praktisi dalam mempublikasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Pendidikan (JPMIP) diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Lampung. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Pendidikan (JPMIP) terbit dua kali setahun yaitu Bulan Mei dan November.</p> Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan - Universitas Lampung en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Pendidikan 2963-105X Meningkatkan Kepenulisan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Guru PP. Mambaus Sholihin dan Civitas Kampus UNKAFA Suci Manyar Gresik http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/150 <p><em>Literacy and scientific writing skills are still limited among teachers and students at Ponpes Mambaush Sholihin. One of the causes is a lack of understanding of the rules of scientific writing. Difficulty in expressing thoughts in writing also poses a challenge. This article is the result of a service project aimed at enhancing literacy and scientific writing at Ponpes Mambaush Sholihin Gresik through the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The findings of the project indicate that literacy and scientific writing skills are still limited among teachers and students. Lack of understanding of writing rules and difficulty in expressing thoughts are the main challenges. Through the PAR approach, the project provided training to teachers and students, involving stages of preparation, implementation, mentoring, and evaluation. The results showed an improvement in understanding the rules and techniques of scientific writing. The PAR approach serves as a solution to build awareness and enhance scientific writing skills at Ponpes Mambaush Sholihin Gresik. The project's findings also emphasize the importance of literacy and scientific writing in academic development and teaching, as well as expanding the benefits of research findings through publication</em></p> Nur Faizin Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan Abdul Basid Moh. Fauzan Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Faizin, Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan, Abdul Basid, Moh. Fauzan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.150 Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Playstore Untuk Praktikum Pengukuran Pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika Siswa Kelas X http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/151 <p><em>This implementation of Community Service aims to educate students in carrying out practicum activities, especially basic measurement practicums using the Palystore application. The training and mentoring was attended by 25 class Through this service activity, students feel very helpful in understanding the material as well as getting a visualization of the measurement concept in digital form. In operation, students can directly try to use measuring instruments, guess measurement results and are encouraged to think more critically so that the table data in the practical report can be filled in properly and correctly.</em></p> yusdarina Dahrin Napsawati Reski Idamayanti Agus Salim Copyright (c) 2023 yusdarina Dahrin, Napsawati, Reski Idamayanti, Agus Salim https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.151 Model Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Era Society 5.0 http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/219 <p><em>The society 5.0 era is &nbsp;collaborative process of technology that becomes the power for every human being to carry out various activities. The aim of carrying out this service activity to provide understanding and knowledge as well as the readiness of school principals which must be designed to improve the quality of education in the society 5.0 era through transformational leadership. So that the specific target achieved is that participants can understand and apply the school principal's transformational leadership model to improve the quality of education in the era of society 5.0. The methods used to achieve the above goals and targets include lectures, brainstorming and discussions, role playing, and document analysis. The service results show that the average post-test percentage score for training participants is 76.21, the meaning was increased compared to the pre-test results for training participants is 72.06. Meanwhile, the average percentage increase in training participants' abilities from pre-test to post-test increased by 22%. In conclusion, teachers' understanding of the transformational leadership training model for school principals in the society 5.0 era was implemented well and optimally.&nbsp;</em></p> Riswandi Riswanti Rini Maman Surahman Amrina Izzatika Nur Ridha Utami Copyright (c) 2023 Riswandi, Riswanti Rini, Maman Surahman, Amrina Izzatika, Nur Ridha Utami https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.219 Pelatihan Pembuatan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) untuk Guru SMP di Kota Bandar Lampung http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/209 <p><em>Teachers in learning have not used LKPD which they designed themselves correctly. Meanwhile, the demands of the curriculum require the teacher to be only one source of learning, because the teacher acts as a facilitator. This service will help overcome the problem of low professional and pedagogic competence of junior high school teachers, especially in designing and using worksheets as learning resources in learning. The method used is training with discussion techniques, question and answer, simulations, and assignments. The training subjects were 25 junior high school teachers in Bandar Lampung City. The instruments used were observation, tests and structured interviews. The success of the service was analyzed descriptively by percentage. After the training, there was a good increase in 1) the training process went well and enthusiastically, (2) there was an increase in the knowledge and skills aspects of breastfeeding LKPD. The results of the pre-test conducted before the training for all indicators of knowledge and skills were in the pretty good category. The results of the post test, there is only 1 indicator in the good category, namely the LKPD concept, and other indicators are in the very good category. For the skill aspect, there is 1 indicator in the good category, namely drawing arrangement, and the other indicators are in the very good category.</em></p> herpratiwi Dwi Yulianti Muhammad Nurwahidin Riswandi Rangga Firdaus Susanthi Pradini Handoko Sugiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 herpratiwi, Dwi Yulianti, Muhammad Nurwahidin, Riswandi, Rangga Firdaus, Susanthi Pradini, Handoko, Sugiyanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.209 Model Pembelajaran Discovery learning Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Guru Sekolah Dasar http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/215 <p>Community service provides training for educators in elementary schools throughout Gadingrejo District. This training provides understanding to educators to be able to apply learning creatively and innovatively to students. The learning model that is expected to be implemented is the Discovery Learning model as an appropriate learning model for students. Then the learning curriculum can begin with the implementation of the Independent Learning curriculum which has been established by the Minister of Education. The result of this training is to provide knowledge for educators at the Gadingrejo District Elementary School to use and recognize the Discovery Learning learning model and learn well about the Merdeka learning curriculum so that students can obtain independent learning by using the Pancasila student profile.</p> Muhammad Nurwahidin Roy Kembar Habibi Deviyanti Pangestu Moch Johan Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Nurwahidin, Roy Kembar Habibi, Deviyanti Pangestu, Moch Johan Pratama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.215 Upaya Penguatan Literasi Anak Usia Dini melalui GERDASI http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/217 <p><em>This activity aimed to strengthen the literacy movement in early childhood through the habit of reading aloud at school and home. Gerdasi was a series of literacy-strengthening programs implemented at Kindergarten/RA Al Hidayah in the form of reading aloud at school and socializing the selection of children's books for parents. Gerdasi was held in April-June 2023 and attended by all children and parents/guardians of Kindergarten/RA Al Hidayah. The stages of implementing the community service activities included: 1) laying the foundation; 2) research design; 3) data gathering and analysis; and 4) acting on findings. Based on observations during reading-aloud activities, the data showed that more than 90% of children liked reading-aloud activities and enjoyed every discussion process. However, children's interest in books is not facilitated well at home. These findings became the basis for carrying out follow-up efforts in the form of socializing the selection of children's books with parents/guardians as the target. This socialization explained important points about literacy facts, choosing good children's books, as well as alternatives for choosing e-books. It was hoped that parents' knowledge regarding sites that provide e-books for children's storybooks could be an inspiration for parents to provide children with affordable reading materials</em></p> Desty Putri Hanifah Rochyani Lestiyanawati Copyright (c) 2023 Desty Putri Hanifah, Rochyani Lestiyanawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.217 Pendampingan Pendampingan Membaca dan Menulis Aksara Jawa di Madrasah Baitus Solihin Kajor Wetan Selopamioro Imogiri Bantul http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/239 <p><em>Kajor Wetan Village is an area that has a lot of Javanese art. There is a lot of cultural art here that continues to be preserved. One of the most basic things in culture is language. Java has its own unique script or letters, namely the Javanese script. Currently, many children are reluctant to learn about Javanese script. This is due to a lack of interest in learning Javanese script, this is of course a problem. Baitus Solihin Madrasah is the only madrasah in Kajor Wetan village. This madrasah is a gathering place for children in Kajor Wetan village. The assistance activity for reading and writing Javanese script aims to provide madrasah students with an understanding of local culture to strengthen religious teaching values and add cultural values in Kajor Wetan. This mentoring activity is divided into 3 parts over 2 days. The first day contains an explanation of the basics of Javanese script and practice reading Javanese script. The second day was filled with learning games and competitions in reading Javanese characters. In general, this mentoring activity has provided additional knowledge to madrasah students regarding Javanese script and has been able to add value to Kajor Wetan village as an arts village.</em></p> <p><em>Key Word: Local culture, Javanese Alphabet, Reading and Writing, Cultural Vilage</em></p> Dian Nugroho Suwardiyono Copyright (c) 2023 Dian Nugroho Suwardiyono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.239 Pendampingan Pembuatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Berbasis Steam dan Loose Parts pada Guru di TK Mancasan Sukoharjo http://e-jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php/JPMIP/article/view/205 <p><em>STEAM and Loose Parts-based educational game tools are learning media that can stimulate children to have a 21st century mindset and skills. However, the reality shows that teachers at Mancasan Kindergarten still need activities to improve their skills in implementing STEAM and Loose Parts media. Activities are carried out in the form of provision and assistance. Provision takes the form of delivering material that introduces STEAM-based educational game tools and Loose Parts. Next, participants distributed the creation of the educational game tools and then presented it. The work results were in the form of STEAM Based educational game tools and Loose Parts and were awarded. Through this assistance, Mancasan Kindergarten teachers have the knowledge and skills to create an APE.</em></p> Qonitah Faizatul Fitriyah Farid Rahman Tiara Fatmarizka Taufik Eko Susilo Mukhlis Cahyadi Arzhuma Arza Lazuardy Copyright (c) 2023 Qonitah Faizatul Fitriyah, Farid Rahman, Tiara Fatmarizka, Taufik Eko Susilo, Mukhlis Cahyadi, Arzhuma Arza Lazuardy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2 2 10.23960/jpmip.v2i2.205