Expressive Writing Techniques Group Counseling Services to Improve The Ability of Students’ Angry Emotions


  • Norma Etika Sari Universitas Lampung
  • Tika Febriyani UIN Raden Intan Lamoung
  • Ratna Widyastuti Universitas Lampung


Currently there are many students who are not able to express their angry emotions in a good way without harming those around them. This study was conducted to improve the ability of students’ angry emotions using expressive writing technique group counseling services. This experimental study used pretest-posttest group design and used a scale of the ability of anger emotion. Then, the data was analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Test. The results obtained Zcount : 2.201> Ztable : 1.645. It means that there was a difference between the scores of students' ability to manage angry emotions before and after being given treatment of expressive writing techniques group counseling services. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the ability of student’s anger management can be improved by expressive writing techniques group counseling services. The results of this study are expected to be a solution for teachers in improving the ability to manage students' angry emotions. In addition, further researchers are expected to be able to include variables that affect the management of angry emotions such as gender or psychotic disorders that arise and pay attention to the composition of the balance of the number of men and women who will become group members, in order to maintain the dynamics of the implementation of guidance.



2023-05-07 — Updated on 2023-05-08


How to Cite

Sari, N. E. ., Febriyani, T. ., & Widyastuti, R. . (2023). Expressive Writing Techniques Group Counseling Services to Improve The Ability of Students’ Angry Emotions. Journal of Contemporary Guidance and Counseling, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from (Original work published May 7, 2023)